Grab Bag

Your Emergency Grab Bag should hold items that would be essential if you had to leave your home at short notice.

It should contain a copy of the Home Emergency Plan and items which may help you in an emergency.

Download Home Emergency Plan

Your grab bag should be small enough for anyone to carry and be kept in a safe place where everyone in your family can easily access it.

Items you put in the Grab Bag may change seasonally or be dependent on your needs as a household. It should be checked regularly to make sure perishable items are still in date and all information in up to date.

What to put in your Grab Bag

  • A small first aid kit and medication
  • Copies of important documents in a waterproof bag
  • Copies of prescriptions for regular medication
  • A battery torch with spare batteries or a wind up torch
  • A battery radio with spare batteries or wind up radio
  • Bottled water and some non-perishable emergency foods
  • Childcare supplies or other special care items
  • Notebook with pen and pencil
  • Toiletries and sanitary supplies
  • Infant supplies
  • Spare clothes
  • Spare sets of keys
  • Mobile phone and charger
  • Spare money
  • Spare contact lenses or glasses
  • Hi-vis jackets or tabards
  • Some warm clothes or blankets
  • Any other items that might provide some comfort if you have to leave your home in a hurry