Be Prepared

The information in these pages has been produced to assist individuals, families and communities across Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire in preparing for emergency situations.


Community Resilience                                                              Community resilience is based on a culture of preparedness, in which individuals, communities and organisations take responsibility to prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies.

Helping communities make plans to prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies in 3 simple steps:

The first step of becoming a prepared and resilient community is to know the risks in the area. 

Have a look at the local risk pages and see if those could happen in your local area.

When you are aware of the risks, you can plan and prepare.

Warwickshire - Top Risks to Warwickshire - Warwickshire LRF

West Midlands - Risks – West Midlands Resilience Forum

To help your community be prepared for emergencies, you and your household need to be prepared. Read the risk pages to understand the risks in your area and then follow the advice in the households’ page.

Home Emergency Plan | CSW Resilience Team & Grab Bag | CSW Resilience Team

When you and your household are prepared, you are ready to support your community.

Share knowledge of local risks with neighbours, colleagues and friends. Let them know what you are doing to ensure that you are prepared to respond to any risks. You might want to consider attending your local emergency services open days or community forums.

Emergencies can occur without warning and may cause major disruption. The emergency response organisations will be stretched and will need to prioritise their resources. Pre-planning and taking small steps to reduce risks will increase your resilience and help to limit the impacts of incidents.
